All growing up, I never had the desire to be a teacher. I loved teaching, but it was further down the list of possible careers than being an accountant. Just not that appealing. Then when it came time that I HAD to make a decision on what I was going to major in, I decided I might as well talk to one of the advisors in the Eled department since, I had talked to every other department. There are just to many wonderful choices in this world, how could I decide? I thought I should probably decide what I really want in a career before I adventure in the thousands of offices of advising. I knew I wanted to help make a change. Big or small, as long as it was for the better. I did not want a desk job, and wanted to be able to learn and discover every day. I also wanted to help others as much as I could. As I listened to the advisor, everything I wanted to fulfill in a career seemed to fit. So two days later I was declared an Elementary teacher, with a minor in mathematics. Never in my wildest of dreams would I have thought I would be saying that.