It all started last weekend. We walked outside leaving behind something that has become very close to me and has always been loyal, my coat. Oh the freedom. The snow is gone, and contrary to popular belief it gets warm here!!! We headed to a new park that we had never been to before. I thought Utah had a lot of parks, and yet Russia takes public parks to a new level. Each one is huge with hills are pathways that take you in every direction. Some are filled with ice skating rinks while others of beautiful cathedrals or palaces. No big deal right?
First Flower
Last weeks pick, Kolomenskaya, didn't disappoint. We arrived to a metro stop we had never been to before and followed the crowd. I few minutes later we were passing horses you could take for a ride and going under a big wooden gate. I was amazed by all the activities going on around me. To my left I could see a market filled with colorful tents, there was a huge playground that looked like it was made for giants surrounded by a wooden fence and right in front of me there were pathways that lead in every direction. In the far off distance we would see not one, but two cathedrals with one of their crosses barely visible above the trees. The crankiness of the locals seemed to melt away with the snow. Everyone was smiling and talking as we passed, very weird. I have almost become accustomed to glaring back at someone like it was a friendly smile instead.
Sadly, we had to skip the playground due to the fact that we were late meeting up with the rest of our group. We rushed through the park passing cathedrals, museums and lots of trees. We hiked down to a river and then back up a windy red bridge that lead us to the wooden palace that they had just finished rebuilding after it got burned down in the 19th century. We passed a very old little cathedral that was surrounded by a graveyard. Goosebumps were creeping up my arm, but it was so fun to see. The palace was beautiful. Different than any other palace I have ever seen. Kind of like a cabin, but times that by at least 20 more cabins and add some dainty paint jobs all over the place.
This week we had a long day weekend thanks to the Russian kids having school on Saturday so that we could have four days off in a row. Rauni, Mindy and I decided to stay in Moscow while the other girls headed to Ukraine. We packed up Sunday morning and headed to the heart of Moscow. We were staying at one of the head teachers apartments that is right in the center of the city. Know what that means?! No busses for three days! Wahoo. We went to church with our stomachs growling like a pack of wild animals by the time we got there. Then to our surprise we ended Relief society 15 minutes early to have some "quality time" with the other sisters and some delicious treats that I would never expected to be in Russia like pineapple. What a sight to see.
Following church we headed towards the metro to wander to the Naegley's who were so kind to invite us to dinner. A little piece of home came with sitting at a dinner table and being able to understand every single person. I have realized how many things I have taken for granted being here. We headed back to the apartment for a splendid relaxing evening.
I have been in Moscow for over four months now and have yet to have a day to explore and venture with out the slightest idea of what I was going to do. So we took full advantage of that this week. Monday and Tuesday were filled with yummy treats and plenty of walking. We got to see parts of the city that we have never been to before. Moscow is huge! We ended up on the campus of the university and it was amazing. The buildings were so old and so tall, don't get me wrong I'm still a true blue aggie fan all the way, but this campus was incredible. I can't believe how green it gets here. The grass everywhere is just as green as a crayola crayon.
*Take full notice of the half naked boy just hanging out the window...
Tuesday we walked and walked and walked. We were on the hunt for secondhand stores hoping to find something great. Well we were out of luck when it came to great findings for the shopping part, however, the sights and things we accidentally stubbled upon were way better! We even found a cinnabon restaurant. Mmm so good. They gave it to us with plates and everything. Getting lost was even a treat. We found a Jewish synagogue that we didn't even know was a synagogue or that we were lost until we found it on the opposite side of the map. There are things around every corner that are hidden treasures. I am amazed every day. After our exploration. We headed to meet Jordan at Arbat street to fulfill his dream of playing his saxophone. He was so good, a Russian man with a tattoo covering half his face asked if he could play his cello with him. They were quite a team and it was so fun to sit and listen to them.
Over all the weekend was so nice so nice. Lucky for us Putin decided we needed another holiday so we only teach four days this week and then we get to have four more days off!
Last weeks pick, Kolomenskaya, didn't disappoint. We arrived to a metro stop we had never been to before and followed the crowd. I few minutes later we were passing horses you could take for a ride and going under a big wooden gate. I was amazed by all the activities going on around me. To my left I could see a market filled with colorful tents, there was a huge playground that looked like it was made for giants surrounded by a wooden fence and right in front of me there were pathways that lead in every direction. In the far off distance we would see not one, but two cathedrals with one of their crosses barely visible above the trees. The crankiness of the locals seemed to melt away with the snow. Everyone was smiling and talking as we passed, very weird. I have almost become accustomed to glaring back at someone like it was a friendly smile instead.
Sadly, we had to skip the playground due to the fact that we were late meeting up with the rest of our group. We rushed through the park passing cathedrals, museums and lots of trees. We hiked down to a river and then back up a windy red bridge that lead us to the wooden palace that they had just finished rebuilding after it got burned down in the 19th century. We passed a very old little cathedral that was surrounded by a graveyard. Goosebumps were creeping up my arm, but it was so fun to see. The palace was beautiful. Different than any other palace I have ever seen. Kind of like a cabin, but times that by at least 20 more cabins and add some dainty paint jobs all over the place.
Following church we headed towards the metro to wander to the Naegley's who were so kind to invite us to dinner. A little piece of home came with sitting at a dinner table and being able to understand every single person. I have realized how many things I have taken for granted being here. We headed back to the apartment for a splendid relaxing evening.
I have been in Moscow for over four months now and have yet to have a day to explore and venture with out the slightest idea of what I was going to do. So we took full advantage of that this week. Monday and Tuesday were filled with yummy treats and plenty of walking. We got to see parts of the city that we have never been to before. Moscow is huge! We ended up on the campus of the university and it was amazing. The buildings were so old and so tall, don't get me wrong I'm still a true blue aggie fan all the way, but this campus was incredible. I can't believe how green it gets here. The grass everywhere is just as green as a crayola crayon.
*Take full notice of the half naked boy just hanging out the window...
Tuesday we walked and walked and walked. We were on the hunt for secondhand stores hoping to find something great. Well we were out of luck when it came to great findings for the shopping part, however, the sights and things we accidentally stubbled upon were way better! We even found a cinnabon restaurant. Mmm so good. They gave it to us with plates and everything. Getting lost was even a treat. We found a Jewish synagogue that we didn't even know was a synagogue or that we were lost until we found it on the opposite side of the map. There are things around every corner that are hidden treasures. I am amazed every day. After our exploration. We headed to meet Jordan at Arbat street to fulfill his dream of playing his saxophone. He was so good, a Russian man with a tattoo covering half his face asked if he could play his cello with him. They were quite a team and it was so fun to sit and listen to them.
Over all the weekend was so nice so nice. Lucky for us Putin decided we needed another holiday so we only teach four days this week and then we get to have four more days off!